Three Veterans Commit Suicide at Three Different VA Facilities Early This Month
Three veterans shot and killed themselves to death at Veterans Affairs facilities within five days of each other earlier this month. On April 5, 2019 an unnamed veteran shot himself inside his car in the parking lot of the Dublin, Georgia VA Medical Center. Then on April 6, 2019 right outside the main entrance of the Decatur, Georgia VA Medical Center another veteran shot and killed himself. The last veteran shot himself in a crowded waiting room at an Austin, TX VA clinic on April 9, 2019. This veteran was transferred from a hospital in Temple, TX over 65 miles...
Rally Point Apparel is a Veteran Owned Business
My name is Chad Childers and I am a veteran and the proud owner here at Rally Point Apparel. Rally Point Apparel is a Veteran Owned Business. Here at Rally Point Apparel we sell custom designed military shirts. Rally Point Apparel supports today’s military and all veterans. We are a veteran owned business that seeks to raise awareness to the issues that combat veterans face through our innovative designed military shirts.Rally Point Apparel military shirts come with a built in sense of pride. When you wear a Rally Point Apparel military shirts you show your support, as a proud American,...
My VA Hospital Experience
I wanted to take a moment and debunk some of the negative stigma attached to The Department of Veterans Affairs. I must admit that as a veteran I’ve had some really bad experiences with the VA Healthcare System. Since I have been out of the Army one of my VA Disability Claims has turned into an appeal that has been drug out for years now. My experiences with the VA Claims process leaves me to ask the following question: Do the VA decision makers do a thorough job and actually look at their own medical records when deciding the outcome...
Jacked up VA Math!
Why does 10 plus 10 not equal 20? If you are like me and are a Veteran with multiple disabilities this is something you probably have asked yourself. I logged onto my Ebenifits account one day to notice that I was rated a 10% disability rating for migraines related to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) I received on my second deployment. I was so excited! I did what I thought was a simple math equation and came up with how much back pay I was going to receive from the VA. I did my figuring and by my calculations the...
Rally Point Apparel Military Shirts
Rally Point Apparel Military Shirts Rally Point Apparel is a veteran owned business. We are a proud industry leader in selling cutting edge designed military shirts. Rally Point Apparel seeks to raise awareness to the issues that military personnel and veterans face on a daily basis through our innovative designed military shirts If you are shopping around for an awesome military shirt which conveys your dedication and commitment to the military… Look no further Rally Point Apparel military shirts are popular not only for service members and veterans but also for civilians. When you wear one of our military...