TDIU is a disability benefit that allows for veterans to be compensated at VA’s 100% disability rating, even if their combined rating does not equal 100%. This is an alternative way to receive the max benefits. TDIU is awarded in circumstances in which veterans are unable to secure and maintain gainful employment as a result of their service-connected conditions.
In order to qualify for TDIU a veteran must have:
- One service-connected condition rated at 70 percent or higher; or,
- Two or more service-connected conditions, one of which is rated at 40 percent or higher, with a combined rating of 70 percent or higher.
Veterans who do not meet these requirements may still be considered for the TDIU on a case by case basis.
To apply for TDIU, you must complete a VA form 21-8940. The form is an application for an increase in compensation based on unemployability. The issue of TDIU may be raised based on existing evidence in the veteran’s record, meaning that you do not necessarily have to submit any new evidence with the claim. In most cases, the forms should provide VA will the information they need to fully adjudicate the claim.
When I had applied for TDIU the VA sent forms to a couple of my previous employers requesting information about my employment. Just like any other VA claim if a veteran doesn’t receive a favorable outcome they have appeal rights.