News — Veterans Disability Claim VA claim
My VA Hospital Experience
I wanted to take a moment and debunk some of the negative stigma attached to The Department of Veterans Affairs. I must admit that as a veteran I’ve had some really bad experiences with the VA Healthcare System. Since I have been out of the Army one of my VA Disability Claims has turned into an appeal that has been drug out for years now. My experiences with the VA Claims process leaves me to ask the following question: Do the VA decision makers do a thorough job and actually look at their own medical records when deciding the outcome...
Jacked up VA Math!
Why does 10 plus 10 not equal 20? If you are like me and are a Veteran with multiple disabilities this is something you probably have asked yourself. I logged onto my Ebenifits account one day to notice that I was rated a 10% disability rating for migraines related to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) I received on my second deployment. I was so excited! I did what I thought was a simple math equation and came up with how much back pay I was going to receive from the VA. I did my figuring and by my calculations the...
PTSD Awareness
Why is there such a negative stigma attached to combat veterans suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? I feel like when somebody finds out that I have PTSD their mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario. They automatically assume that because I have PTSD at some point I’m going to flip my lid and go crazy on them. What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? PTSD is defined as an anxiety disorder that can occur following the experience of a traumatic event. A traumatic event is a life-threatening event such as military combat. It is very unfortunate, but many...